06 December 2023

Palestinian Foreign Ministry Calls for Global Intervention to Cancel Settlers' Rally on Thursday

  • QNA_PALASTEN_16_6_2023

Ramallah, December 06 (QNA) - The Palestinian Ministry of Foreign Affairs called for an international and American intervention to stop a rally that far-right settlers are intended to hold to enter the blessed Al Aqsa Mosque on Thursday, Dec. 7 under the motto of imposing the Jewish control over Jerusalem and Al Aqsa.
This rally is the most provocative one, especially considering the current circumstances the conflict scene is witnessing, according to the statement of the Palestinian Ministry of Foreign Affairs on Wednesday.
The ministry added that it considers the extreme danger this rally poses to the situations in the occupied East Jerusalem, affirming that it is a flagrant assault on the Palestinian people and the Hashemite custodianship of Jerusalem holy sites.
The rally constitutes a gross violation of the United Nations resolutions which confirm that East Jerusalem is part and parcel of the Palestinian territory occupied since 1967, which is the capital of the State of Palestine, the statement reads. (QNA)


General, Arab Affairs, Palestine
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