28 May 2023

PM Orban Affirms Hungary's Keenness to Build Strategic Partnership with Qatar


Doha, May 28 (QNA) - HE Prime Minister of Hungary Viktor Orban affirmed his country's keenness on building strategic partnership with the State of Qatar in different fields, in light of the growing cooperation relations between the two countries.

In an interview with Qatar News Agency (QNA), His Excellency said that the Qatari-Hungarian relations are steadily growing, adding that the two countries are keen on strengthening these relations in different fields to serve the two people's interests.

He pointed out that the two countries have set several strategic aspects of cooperation, that are of high priority to both of them, including energy; agriculture and infrastructure, especially with relation to air transport in addition to cooperation in the security and military fields. These fields have been set and agreed upon, he added.

Cooperation in the field of energy is of utmost importance to Hungary, which seeks to purchase Qatari LNG after 2026, he said, adding that cooperation in agriculture will be a valuable opportunity for the two friendly countries and will also boost Qatar's food security efforts.

The cooperation between Qatar and Hungary in the field of infrastructure is currently focusing on the air transport sector, he said, pointing out that the two countries are currently discussing the possibility of attracting Qatari investments to this sector, especially airports.

On the round of political consultations between the two countries held in March, he explained that they dealt with two issues, namely the preparation for his (current) visit to the State of Qatar, and the issue of exempting Qataris from the Schengen visa, which, Hungary - as a member of the European Union, strongly supports.

HE Prime Minister of Hungary Viktor Orban, also talked about the foundations on which the Qatari-Hungarian relations are based, which he defined as respect, political cooperation and economic cooperation.

His Excellency said that since the first time he took the office in his country in 1999, he has shown keenness to strengthen relations with the State of Qatar, and has established strong relations with its leadership, on bases of respect, trust and common interests, which have always been the foundation of Qatari-Hungarian relations.

As for political cooperation between the two countries, there is a common belief in the importance of preserving sovereignty, and playing an active and influential role at the regional and international levels, he stressed.

He emphasized that cooperation between the two countries is moving forward to build cooperation and a strategic partnership, especially since the State of Qatar has made great strides in economic and social development, indicating that this enhances Hungary's aspirations for cooperating in a way that serves the country, which is dynamically developing in parallel with the countries of Central Europe.

Relatedly, HE Viktor Orban praised the role of the State of Qatar in supporting Europe's energy security, saying that such support reflects the extent of interdependence in the economic field and interrelation in common economic strategic interests.

He pointing out that the State of Qatar and Hungary have promising economic interests in the sectors of transportation, infrastructure, agriculture and the information, underlining his country's keenness for cooperation and strategic partnership with Qatar in these and other fields.

This cooperation requires exchange of visits and meetings between the leaderships of the two countries and government officials, in addition to benefiting from the accumulated experiences, he added.

He went on saying that he has benefited a lot from the advice and expertise of the wise leadership in the State of Qatar on many issues and matters of concern to his country. "We also benefit from the Qatari legislative system, and we intend to transfer the experience to Hungary, including, for example, the management of expatriate workers, especially as we are going to study this issue in the parliament," he added.

In this context, His Excellency praised the pivotal political and humanitarian role played by the State of Qatar in building peace through mediation and assisting governments in development efforts, stressing that the State of Qatar has succeeded in playing a mediating role in many crises, which reflects its political weight and effective diplomacy.

He stressed that the development and humanitarian assistance provided by the State of Qatar to countries in need reflects on the security and stability of the world and reduces illegal immigration and the associated human tragedies.

He also called for international efforts to develop poor areas around the world, considering that to be a radical solution to illegal immigration that ensure a safe and decent life for people around the world.

He also called on all countries of the world to open up and cooperate to solve crises, consolidate economic, trade and investment relations, and encourage cooperation between universities so that all regions of the world would have equal opportunities for development, progress and modernization.

He touched on the crises happening in the world as a result of the war in Ukraine, which he described as dangerous. Diplomacy should have had to stop this dangerous war before it erupted, he said, adding that now is the time for the return of diplomacy.

Pointing to the consequences of the war on the global economy, saying that the large increase in energy prices caused an increase in inflation rates and the cost of living in the entire world.

In this context, HE the Hungarian Prime Minister affirmed the convergence of the Qatari and Hungarian positions regarding the call to stop the Russian-Ukrainian war and resolve the conflict peacefully through dialogue, saying that the whole world is paying the price for this war.

The Russian-Ukrainian crisis will not be resolved militarily, and this war has no winner, he said, adding that human losses will increase, and no party will reach its goal.

What is required now is to stop the fighting and build peace, and this is what Qatar and Hungary agree upon, he added.



General, Qatar
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