24 May 2024

EU Approves Human Rights Protection Law on Supply Chains

International and Arabic
  • QNA Images

Brussels, May 24 (QNA) - The European Union (EU) member states on Friday gave their final approval to a much fought-over law requiring companies to protect human rights in their supply chains.
The number of countries that voted for the law reached 17 representing 68.41 percent of EU population, while Germany, Belgium, Bulgaria, Czechia, Estonia, Lithuania, Hungary, Malta, Austria, and Slovakia abstained from voting, because most EU laws require the support of 15 member states, or 65 percent of the EU's population for approval.
The law primarily aims to hold the major firms to account once they get profits from child labor or forced labor outside the EU. And parent companies, whether inside or outside the EU, with a turnover that exceeds more than 450 million euros and employing more than a thousand employees, will be subject to the law, and will subsequently be compelled to pay fines due to non-compliance.
For instance, if children worked in clothing manufacturers in Asia for major fashion companies, the victims of this exploitation would be entitled to claim compensation, as per new legislation. The new law will enter into force within five years and will primarily target the major firms. (QNA)


Economy, International
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